Agile in Regulated Software - Sweat the Details
Very few people in the software development community have issues with maintaining good attention to the details. However, I bet those who live in the regulated software community view the “normal” software world as quite sloppy. Attention to detail is a matter of life and death for a medical device. Because of this, the entire software community does a good job maintaining checks and balances. I have three suggestions that will make a tremendous difference when you start a regulated project or when you finally get near to releasing your medical device. Photo by: myguerrilla #1 Plan to get audited It is a good bet you are going to get audited sooner or later. Its even possible to get a product out into the market only to have it get audited a second time. An FDA auditor will keep asking “why do you think that works?” type questions and continue to drill down until they find something or are satisfied there is nothing to find. If they find something you are going to get a war...