I have a workshop and a bridge to sell you...come on by
photo credit: herval I got an advertisement for a workshop about how to develop SaaS products. The title was, "Silly Agility--The Myth of the SaaS Agile Product Manager". Here is some of the text of the advertisement: "XP was an attempt to replace waterfall development approaches with something new...[References a generic project]...objectively analyzed, [this project] was a failure; after five years the product wasn't completed and the development effort was terminated." My first though is that this is a sensational advertisement to get bodies in the door of a poorly conceived of workshop. My second thought is that this is damaging to the career of person advertising it. Factually speaking: When the Agile principals were defined, it wasn't an exercise in creating newness for its own sake. Another objection, is that a "Agile" project that drags on and on then finally fails isn't using Agile principals in the first place. If its goi...